Published May 20, 2024
By Jenny Showalter

About this webinar

NBAA recently published the results of the 2023 YoPro Member Survey, which gathered insights from young professionals in business aviation. The report shows that over 72% of young professionals in the business aviation industry are seeking ways to advance their careers and invest in their professional development. With over 50% either struggling with upward mobility or feeling boxed-in in their current role, how can employers help grow their next generation of leaders?

Watch a distinguished panel of industry experts delve into the intricacies of career development to discuss:

• Are formal training and certifications still relevant to the careers of young professionals?
• What is the value of networking and mentorship in relation to career development?
• How does investing in personal growth impact your professional journey?
• How does the YoPro desire for professional development impact employers, especially when strategizing for retention/recruitment?


Jenny Showalter


Jenny Showalter

Jenny Showalter is the founder and chief motivational officer of Showalter Business Aviation Career Coaching (SBACC). Her industry experience stems from working as the third generation in her family’s former FBO, Showalter Flying Service. Showalter serves as the Board Secretary for the Central Florida Business Aviation Association (CFBAA) and as a member of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Local and Regional Groups Committee.