Jenny Showalter Launches Business Aviation Career Coaching Company

Orlando, Florida -- March 1, 2022 – Jenny Showalter, 25-year business aviation veteran and workforce specialist, has announced the opening of Showalter Business Aviation Career Coaching. Focused on assisting the individual professional, Jenny’s exclusive coaching and advisory services are now available to the business aviation community.

Jenny Showalter, Chief Motivational Officer, commented, “It is an honor and a thrill to offer my services to the business aviation community. Our industry is experiencing unprecedented growth right now and changing rapidly. It can be difficult to face a job transition alone, especially if you haven’t done it in a long time. I am excited to provide a trustworthy resource to the business aviation community for those that are transitioning or just contemplating a move to the next phase of their career.”

Jenny grew up in the business aviation industry with family-owned Showalter Flying Service centered around FBO services and aircraft sales in central Florida. This rich 75-year aviation history goes back to the original Showalter Airpark developed in 1945 by Jenny’s grandfather, uncle, and their partner after WWII. Eventually, Showalter Flying Service at the Orlando Executive (ORL) airport became the family’s legacy that endured and prospered for more than six decades and became internationally recognized for hosting nine NBAA Conventions from 1996-2014.

After earning her BA degree in History and Spanish from Rollins College in Orlando, Jenny worked in the family business for more than 18 years. She excelled in her role as Director of First Impressions and led the FBO’s renowned customer service. Jenny has actively given back to the industry in several ways. She was chairperson and committee member for the Schedulers and Dispatchers Committee for ten years, the marketing and communications manager, and later executive director and board member for Florida Aviation Business Association (FABA). She also helped launch the Central Florida Business Aviation Association CFBAA in 2019 as a founding board member and secretary and currently serves on the NBAA Local and Regional Groups Committee.

Most recently, Jenny worked as Client Services Manager for a major business aviation recruitment firm. She helped clients navigate the rapidly evolving aviation job market, match talent with corporate flight department clients, and led the outplacement program for displaced aviation professionals.

“My passion for people and business aviation evolved from my family history and our dedication to this industry,” Jenny added. “My ability to maintain confidentiality is paramount, and I look forward to helping people that may feel stuck in their current role, at a crossroad in their career, or caught up in a downsizing, merger, or acquisition. I also want to assist students and professionals that are interested in transitioning into our great industry as they are the workforce of tomorrow.”

Jenny currently offers an option for a free fifteen-minute phone session to get started. To learn more, go to or email

About Showalter Business Aviation Career Coaching:

Based in Orlando, Florida, Showalter Business Aviation Career Coaching is led by Jenny Showalter, Chief Motivational Officer. Carrying on the family tradition of entrepreneurial spirit and passion for business aviation Jenny focuses on assisting individual business aviation professionals in elevating their careers. Jenny’s personalized and confidential services include one-on-one coaching, resume writing, interview skills, and LinkedIn reviews.

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Media Contact:
Marj Rose
MarketLift, Inc.